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Charter Agreement Legal Definition

Charter Agreement Legal Definition: Understanding the Basics

A charter agreement, also known as a charter party, is a legal contract entered into between two parties to establish the terms and conditions for the use of a vessel or aircraft. The agreement outlines the expectations of both the charterer (who hires the vessel or aircraft) and the owner of the vessel or aircraft. There are many complex legal considerations involved in a charter agreement, so it`s important to understand the legal definition and key terms.

Key Terms in a Charter Agreement

There are several key terms that are essential to understanding a charter agreement:

1. Charterer: The party who hires the vessel or aircraft for a specific period of time.

2. Owner: The party who owns the vessel or aircraft and agrees to allow the charterer to use it.

3. Charter rate: The amount of money that the charterer pays for the use of the vessel or aircraft.

4. Duration: The length of time the vessel or aircraft will be chartered.

5. Lay days: The number of days allowed for loading or unloading the vessel or aircraft.

6. Demurrage: A fee charged by the owner if the charterer exceeds the allowed lay days.

7. Force majeure: A clause that relieves either party from fulfilling its obligations if an unforeseeable event (such as a natural disaster) occurs.

8. Insurance: The requirement for the charterer to obtain insurance to cover the vessel or aircraft during the charter period.

9. Redelivery: The requirement for the charterer to return the vessel or aircraft to the owner in the same condition as it was received.

The Legal Implications of a Charter Agreement

A charter agreement is a legally binding contract that establishes the terms and conditions under which the vessel or aircraft will be used. As such, it`s important to ensure that all parties involved are aware of their obligations and responsibilities. Failure to comply with the terms of a charter agreement can lead to legal disputes and financial damage.

One of the most important aspects of a charter agreement is the allocation of risk between the parties. For example, the charterer may be responsible for any damage caused to the vessel or aircraft during the charter period. Similarly, the owner may be responsible for any damage caused by defects in the vessel or aircraft.

Another important consideration is the governing law of the charter agreement. The parties involved may choose the law of a specific jurisdiction to govern the agreement. This can have significant implications, as the laws of different jurisdictions can vary widely.


A charter agreement is a complex legal contract that establishes the terms and conditions for the use of a vessel or aircraft. To ensure that the agreement is legally binding and enforceable, all parties involved should be aware of their obligations and responsibilities. Understanding the key terms and legal implications of a charter agreement is essential for anyone involved in the shipping or aviation industries.